Monday, 7 October 2013

Then you can mash. Then you can monster mash.

Tis the season to think of Halloween costumes... fa la la la la la la la la.  I was really struggling to think of blog post ideas today since nothing overly exciting happened this week.  I didn't think you guys wanted to read about my trip to the mall with my mom to help her pick out the perfect navy dress pant at Cleo.  I turned to my always creative friend, Vanessa, for help and her first suggestion was for me to do a post on "Getting Old and Turning Boring".  So helpful that girl is.  Her second suggestion was about Halloween costumes.  Perfect, something I know almost as much about as getting old and turning boring!   

Oddly enough I had already started pinning various costume ideas to my desktop in an effort to nail down the perfect costume (I LOOOOVE dressing up!).  Over the years I have noticed some changes in the way people (girls mainly) choose their duds for this special evening that only happens once a year.  Here is what I have come to understand of the female population when it comes to Halloween costumes:

Late Teens (Pre-Bar Age)
When I say late teens, in this sense, I mean individuals that aren't quite bar age yet.  If you're going to try hitting up the club scene with a fake i.d. you either need a costume that makes you look like you didn't just celebrate your Sweet Sixteen or one where you can't see your face all that well.  Or so I've heard..

Early 20's
Girls that are in their early bar-star years tend to choose costumes based on sex appeal.  Basically, the skankier the better.  If you can pair whatever costume you have with some stiletto heels or a pair of over the knee boots and the shortest mini skirt you can get your hands on in October, then that's the costume for you.  You also don't want to choose anything that requires a lot of face make up.  All that will happen is after too many beverages that sh*t is going to end up smeared all over the place, possibly even on the random who you decided to have a d-floor make out with at last call.  After all this is the only night all year that you can wear something sloot-alicious and no one can even call you out on it because it's your "costume".  Most of these are purchased and usually there is zero-to-hardly any thought put into the details of the outfit.  Price is of no object, as long as you look sexy you don't need to eat for a week or two anyways.

Mid 20's
Creativity starts to play a part in determining what you'll be wearing this night.  You want to wow your friends and Instagram followers with how much time and effort you put into this costume.  Looking like a sexpot is less of a priority and the cost of the materials does play somewhat of a role in your choice, especially when you remember how hungry you were for the month of November five years ago when you ordered that $200 sexy cat costume online.

Early 30's
If you have children, dreams of a full night's sleep after the kids go to bed in a candy induced coma is probably what's on your mind.  You may have forced your husband into a matching family Minions costume to take the kiddies trick or treating in.  If you got sucked into a gathering at a friends house you might cut some eye holes out of a bed sheet and don that as your attire just so people leave you alone for not coming dressed up at all. 

I hope at the very least this blog post made you laugh and either reminisce about the good ol' days or reminded you of someone you know.  I have 4 costume ideas on the go right now so in a few weeks you'll get to see which one I chose!