Walking into the majestic track we thought we were at the Kentucky Derby. Surrounded by women in large hats of all sorts we wondered if we were under-dressed for the occasion. It turned out that coincidentally both a stagette and a going-away party had both decided that the largest, floppiest beach hats were just the appropriate attire for their groups and we were just lame, costume-less spectators.
I would not consider myself a gambler whatsoever. I think it results in the fact that I'm too cheap to potentially lose money that I could otherwise be spending shopping. I had been to Vegas 3 times before I had even so much as put more than a dollar in the slot machine.
I decided that in the spirit of things I would place some bets. My style of gambling there was based strictly on funny horse names. Giveyourheadashake and Mygallovesgold were obvious choices. With a minimum $2 bet I really stepped up my game putting down $3, and at one point even wagering $4. I was on a gambling high! The drinks were flowing and I had put down a total of $20 throughout 6 races. I now knew how Ben Campbell felt in the movie 21 as I yelled "Winner, winner, chicken dinner!" at the top of my lungs as my winning bets crossed the finish line. Thoughts of Quinella, Show and Place (I had no idea what any of these terms meant but I wanted to do them all!) swarmed through my head as I searched through the program to find my next lucky filly.
As the 9th race came to an end I took my tickets to the cashier to find out what my winnings had accumulated to. $11.80. Yup, you could say I'm pretty much a professional gambler now. Don't be surprised if you find me there on my lunch break sporting a visor and making deals with the bookies so I don't lose the house. Sadly, I only got my taste of the races at the very end of the season. I guess that means I can take the winter to practice smoking menthol cigarettes and coining the term "Marquis, baby, Marquis!".