As summer comes to an end so does wedding season. This past weekend was spent at the nuptials of Curtis' cousin, James. Curtis had the honour of standing up for James (and might I add looked pretty darn good all spiffed up). It was a beautiful day and the boys got to spend it sweating away in their tuxes in the hot September sun.
I've been to a wedding or two in my day and have comprised a list of things I enjoy:
1. Short ceremonies and short speeches. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy partaking in all of these things.. just especially if they have been kept to a minimum.
2. Cheap booze. I loooove getting my drink on for a toonie (or less!). This leads me into #3...
3. A bar stocked with shooters. If you have shooters at your wedding then you are speaking my language.
4. A kick-ass midnight lunch. If I can't remember what was served at the midnight lunch the next day then it was probably pretty meat-buns-salad generic. Either that or I had too many cocktails the night before.
5. A DJ that takes all my requests or a band that surrenders one of their microphones to me. It's easier if they just give in otherwise I will end up hounding them for the rest of the night.
6. A great bathroom toiletries basket. I'll admit it, I'm kind of a wedding basket kleptomaniac. I will take the gum, bobby pins, Tide-To-Go pen and stuff it in my purse. Why? I have no idea. But now you know where all of the items went at the end of the night if I was ever invited to your wedding.
7. An edible party favour. If it is not edible and I take one home with me at the end of the night I am probably just going to throw it in the garbage. Just saying.
8. Some sort of additional entertainment for the guests. I've been to a wedding where there was a balloon man, a shotski, a faux Chippendales dancer and each one of these occasions blew my mind.
9. Slideshows. Some people hate them, I personally love them. Even if I don't know you all that well I wants to bask in your photo history gloriousness. I want to see photos of you as a baby, that stage you went through with that weird haircut and a picture from the first time you met your spouse. I want to see it all!
10. People who won't judge if I need to kick my shoes off to get my groove on or have a basket of flip-flops for guests with sore feet. If you are so classy that you frown upon this then we probably aren't friends anyways so you won't have to worry about me embarrassing you on your special day.
Someday when I tie the knot you guys can come back to this list and reflect on it and see if my wedding matched up to my expectations. Oh.. and feel free to hold me to this :-)