Body weight
according to Wikipedia (obviously the most reliable source on the internet) is
described as: "to refer to a person's mass or weight. Strictly
speaking, the body weight is the weight of the person without any items on, but
practically body weight is taken with clothes on but often without the shoes
and heavy accessories like mobile phones and wallets. Body weight is one way of
determining a person's health."
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention I am on the verge of obesity based on my Body Mass Index ("a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI
provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to
screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems") for a female of
my weight and height. So basically I'm probably going to die. I
better say my farewells now friends!
This post is
dedicated to people who worry too much about the scale. Two days ago I
PR'd my hang squat clean and last week I PR'd my 400m sprint. I must be
an anomaly of some sort because I weighed myself this morning and I'm the
heaviest I've ever been in my whole life (note the sarcasm). And yet I'm stronger, faster
and have better endurance than ever before. I'm healthier than ever and
the waist in my pants is too big. I'd say I'm doing ok.
Below are two
photos: the photo on the left is from three years ago at this time and the one
on the right is one I snapped this morning. I am 15 pounds heavier in the current photo on the right than I am in the picture from 3 years ago on the left. Don't get
wrapped up in the numbers on the scale too much, you've all heard that muscle
weighs more than fat and quite frankly it looks better too. You've also all
heard the "Strong is the new Skinny" saying that has been going
around. This is true, I would rather be strong and look the way I do than
weigh 20 pounds less and starving. Do
the work and the aesthetics will come.
Aspire to be fit, work hard at it and you will look it. You won’t worry about the upcoming beach
season if you have been staying healthy and fit all year round.