Thursday, 12 December 2013

Baby it's cold outside

As we all know we've recently had an extremely cold weather snap. Without turning on the tv, radio or computer I knew the weather was cold. How did I know this you may ask? I stepped outside and it was cold! When I opened up my social media there were many, many posts notifying me that it was cold out. I guess what I'm wondering is, why do people feel the need to repeatedly state the obvious on these sites?  It's a well known fact on the first snowfall of the year that your Facebook newsfeed is going to blow up. Then there's the first BIG snowfall of the year. Be prepared for a Twitter frenzy. Everything winter will surely overload your computer/mobile/tablet with overly obvious updates.

Yes, the cold weather sucks.  But let's face it, we choose to live here so it's really our problem. You would think the weather complaints would end there but then when we're having an overly hot summer day/week/month the complaints start to roll in about the heat. I do believe there are these machines you can get to help cool you down. An air conditioner or something? Or my personal fav freebie.. the lake!  This is where you'll find me this summer on the hottest of summer days.

There are also the days that are spent basking in the summer sun and then some rain happens.  Take to social media people!  Alert the masses!  The rain isn't the best pump up weather but in case you have forgotten some of it is required to help promote the growth of the crops we readily enjoy to consume.

They say that weather is unpredictable but really we know better.  Summer = hot, rainy, breezy, chilly.  Winter = cold, snowy, wind chill, icy.  Sure the seasons may change more quickly at times and that is frustrating but you can't say we didn't see it coming.  At this time of year it's easy to go on a public rant about the weather but think of all the other things that we've got going on for us: health, friends, family, food, shelter, and on and on.  People don't hashtag it #firstworldproblems for nothin'!  Stay warm this winter people, summer is coming.. like it always does :-)

Token wintertime vehicle thermostat pic.
Yep, mine says the same as yours and everyone else's!