This week's blog is brought to you by the letter O.. for overcoming your fears. I want to give a shout out to my CrossFit little sister, Courtney, for getting her first muscle up this week! In the CrossFit world a muscle up is like a unicorn - so perfectly executed and requires so much dedication it seems unattainable, getting one almost seems unfathomable and to some is only dreamed about. Courtney has been doing CrossFit for just over a year now and has worked her way to muscle up greatness. I on the other hand am coming up on my 3 year fitiversary and hadn't touched the high rings in months.
I also realized that I don't like much of a crowd when I'm trying something for the first time whether it's a gymnastics movement or something as simple as surfing behind the boat. For as loud and over-the-top as I am, I like to know I'm not going to make an absolute fool out of myself with something new. Once I give something a go then I usually don't have an issue with shyness. Perhaps that's the fear of failure coming out in me. But let's face it - who on earth perfects everything on the first attempt?
After I procrastinated, made excuses and wasted Braiden's time for about a half an hour he finally talked me in to trying an assisted one with him. Guess what? It was so easy! He tossed me on those rings like it was nobody's business. We probably did it about 10 times and not once did I fall on my face, no cuts, broken bones or bruised egos. Attempting something that I'd had my sights set on for a while but was too scared to try was actually a relief.
Now I am nowhere near getting a muscle up but it is definitely an attainable 2014 goal of mine, however, I wasn't going to get one in a lifetime by avoiding the rings and my fears. Go out and try something that scares you, it's exhilarating and you may even be able to conquer your fear. Dream big and don't forget to kick ass and take names while you're at it ;)